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Come work with us

Start Date

If you have previously submitted a waiting list form, there is no need to submit another form. Your child will stay on the waitlist until an offer is extended and is either accepted or rejected by you. If rejected by you, that is when your child will be removed from the waitlist.


Completing multiple waiting list forms causes unnecessary administrative work and clogs up our wait list.

If you would like to make changes to your previously submitted waiting list form, please email with the details, and we will manually make the change for you.


For children 3 years old and older, the last day to submit a waiting list form is 15 October of every year for consideration of placement for the following year.

If you are interested in placing your child on the Pottsville Community Preschool waiting list for the first time, please follow the link provided below.


Please understand that it is not the amount of time that your child has been on the waiting list that determines whether or not your child will get a place in our Preschool program. We are funded by the state government who determines who receives a funded place at NSW preschools as well as the priorities of access.


In addition, Pottsville Community Preschool’s Committee also has a say, and the Committee has determined that two additional priorities are to be met for placement.

Service providers are also required to adhere to the Early Childhood Education and Care Priority of Access Guidelines. These guidelines require services to give priority access to:

  • Children who are at least 4 years old on or before the 31 July in that preschool year and not yet in compulsory schooling

  • Children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July

  • Children with a Health Care Card

  • Children who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

  • Children with a diagnosed disability

  • Children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection perspective). (Please note: this includes families who are experiencing mental illness)


The following two priorities have been added by the Committee of Pottsville Community Preschool:

  • Siblings

  • Families from the Pottsville Community Preschool staff and community


If further clarification is required, please speak to our Director. Please understand that we are unable to discuss other families’ status within the priority of access guidelines due to confidentiality.


We aim to notify all parents by November of every school year. 

2-4 Centennial Drive POTTSVILLE NSW 2489

Pottsville Community Preschool acknowledges Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the traditional custodians of the land, waterways and skies across Australia. We thank the Bundjalung People for sharing and caring for the land we learn and play on. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and we share our friendship and kindness. 

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