Our Program
Pottsville Community Preschool program recognises children's need for a discovery and inquiry approach to learning and so provides them with many opportunities to make choices, explore, observe, problem-solve and imagine.
The development of each child is guided through engagements and relationships with peers, adults, and the environment.
Our program supports the Early Years Learning Framework and embodies its central idea of 'belonging, being and becoming'.
The educators develop your child's learning program by:
Identifying your child's strengths and interests through observing and engaging with them, and speaking with your family.
Planning experiences, choosing teaching strategies and designing the environment to build on your child's skills, knowledge and understanding of the world.
Reflecting on, evaluating and documenting the learning outcomes for your child to inform future planning.
We encourage and support children to:
Act as researchers, explorers, problem solvers and creators.
Ask questions, listen to the ideas of others and to develop their own hypotheses on a range of ideas and concepts.
Develop a spirit of cooperation and a caring and responsible attitude.
Have uninterrupted time on their own, or to engage with friends.
Our program focuses on:
Fostering self-esteem, emotional wellbeing, communication and respect for others.
Developing relationships, self-expression, collaboration and self-help skills.
Lifelong learning.
Embedding visual and performing arts, science, mathematics, language and literacy development, communication and problem solving.